It's all about you
Life keeps on making no sense but actually you know what? You can make life to make sense. Does that make any sense? It's you who give sense to your life. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell which everyone knows. And every cell has a mitochondria. Likewise your thoughts are what is powering you and the thoughts of all people together is running the world. So you know your thoughts matter. You are one person but you influence people around you. You might be home for some. You might be the one who makes people laugh around you. You might be many people's dreams and hopes. Those are actually not a burden or any kind of pressure, those are trust that people have on you. (Even when we say don't trust too much, don't depend on anyone too much, we tend to do that so often. What we can really do is to not expect too much and not expecting anyone or anything to complete you. You are an individual and you are independent.) Don't give away your essence to anyone. There...